To apply to be registered for taxation in Sweden, please use the ”Tax registration for foreign entrepreneurs in Sweden” (RUFS) e-service:
Registrering av utländska företag i Sverige (RUFS)
The e-service, or the form, is to be used by foreign entrepreneurs who are going to conduct business in Sweden and need to apply for F-tax, VAT registration or Swedish employer's registration.
Please note that using the form rather than the e-service could result in longer processing times both in-mail and in manual processing.
Foreign entrepreneurs, please send your application to:
SE-205 30 Malmö
In most cases, the relevant address is stated on the form. If no address is given, please send the form to:
SE-205 30 Malmö
Här kan du få fram viktiga datum för ditt företag. Då kan du lätt se när du behöver betala in skatter, deklarera eller när du får utbetalningar.