E-tjänsten Lämna arbetsgivardeklaration är stängd torsdag 14 november kl. 06.30-10.00 på grund av underhåll.
If you, as a registered employer, are not able to use our e-service Lämna arbetsgivardeklaration on “Mina sidor” (My pages), you can, instead, download the form and fill in a PAYE-tax return on paper and send it to us. Send the form to Skatteverket to the address that is pre-printed on the main statement form. Please use a fillable-PDF.
You shall submit a main statement form for each reporting period. If you have paid remuneration (salary, etc) to employees, you must also submit an individual statement for each employee.
Please, fill in the corporate identity number for the registered employer and select the period. The personal identity number, corporate identity number or coordination number consists of 10 or 12 digits.
If you are not registered as an employer, please find more information under Arbetsgivarregistrering (registration as an employer).
In order to open the file and read it, you need a program that can read PDF-files. If you need to install a program, such as Adobe Reader, you have to download it.
More information about the PDF-forms (information in Swedish) External link.
Här kan du få fram viktiga datum för ditt företag. Då kan du lätt se när du behöver betala in skatter, deklarera eller när du får utbetalningar.