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För att få tillgång till ett API i driftsatt tjänst behöver du fylla i och skicka in ett formulär till Skatteverket.
För att få tillgång till ett API i driftsatt tjänst behöver du fylla i och skicka in ett formulär till Skatteverket.
The Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) between Sweden and the US entitles US armed forces and dependents to make duty-free purchases of goods and services.
Only manufacturer declared cash registers are approved for use. As a manufacturer or supplier you must show in the manufacturer’s declaration that the cash register complies with the Swedish Tax Agency’s regulations on requirements for cash registers...
The ROT and RUT deductions may also be appropriate for work that is carried out in another EU/EES country provided that the client is resident in Sweden and meets the requirements for the ROT and RUT deduction.
If your income seems to be higher or lower than expected, you need to fill in a preliminary income tax return and send it to the Swedish Tax Agency.
Registering a business for tax purposes in Sweden differs depending on what kind of business you have and how it is organized. Some foreign companies who are not established in Sweden must also register.
Aktiehistorik, Calliditas Therapeutics AB
A marriage contract is an agreement concerning what will be private property in a marriage. It can be written at any time during a marriage or before it.
Som delägare anses du inte vara anställd av handelsbolaget i inkomstskattehänseende. Därför ska du redovisa din andel av bolagets resultat i inkomstslaget näringsverksamhet istället för att redovisa din inkomst därifrån som lön.