Registering a business for tax purposes in Sweden differs depending on what kind of business you have and how it is organized. Some foreign companies who are not established in Sweden must also register.
Registering a business for tax purposes differs depending on if you are currently operating a business abroad that you want to establish in Sweden, or if you are starting a new business in Sweden.
If you are registered as an employer you must fill in an employer’s contributions and PAYE tax return every month.
You have to report payments and tax deductions for each payee each month. You report this in the PAYE Tax Return service.
Everyone, regardless if you are a legal person or an individual, who has to pay any form of tax to the Tax Agency is assigned a tax account.
A person who hires you to do Rot (Repairs, Conversion, Extension) or Rut (Cleaning, Maintenance and Laundry) work may get a tax reduction – a Rot or Rut deduction for the labour cost.
Non-Swedish enterprises that do not carry out business activities from a permanent establishment in Sweden may be required to submit specific information to the Swedish Tax Agency. This applies to both legal entities and sole traders (individuals) with limited tax liability.