Din sökning form gav 559 träffar
As a rule, entrepreneurs who run business as sole traders are approved for F‑tax. An approval for F-tax is based on the fact that the sole trader himself or herself is responsible for paying taxes and social contributions on compensation for any work...
In certain circumstances, you may be able to get more time to pay tax (a payment respite). You must show that exceptional circumstances apply. An application for a payment respite does not stop the debt from being submitted to the Swedish Enforcement...
Foreign employers without permanent establishment in Sweden must pay Swedish social security contributions for locally employed personnel.
The tax rebate for ROT and RUT work is intended for house or apartment owners and covers up to half of certain labour costs. After a customer has made payment to the company, the company then requests payment from the Tax Agency for the part of the l...
Information about Tax deduction request e-service
Foreign businesses established within the EU who through the Internet, mail service, or through similar distance selling methods sell goods to Swedish persons not registered for VAT (where the buyers are consumers who do not have to be registered for...
Vilka deklarationer och andra uppgifter som en offentlig aktör ska lämna in beror på olika saker, exempelvis er verksamhet, om ni äger fastigheter eller handlar med utlandet. Med offentlig aktör menar vi till exempel kommuner, regioner och statliga m...
Information about division of joint property
Aktiehistorik, Volvo Car AB
Hur du använder våra API:er kan skilja sig åt beroende på vilket API det gäller, samt vilken miljö du vill använda. Du kan bland annat behöva ansöka om tillgång, skaffa någon form av elektronisk legitimation och implementera en säkerhetslösning.