If you sell your cooperative flat, you must pay tax on the profits. The sale is to be declared when there is a binding agreement in place (a contract of sale). When you are paid or when the new owner gains access is irrelevant.
Sale price |
- Estate agent's fee |
- Purchase price |
- Improvement costs |
- Capital contribution to the housing cooperative |
- The property's share of the inner-reparation fund when sold |
+ The property's share of the inner-reparation fund when purchased |
= Profit or loss |
+ Payment of deferred capital |
= Profit or loss |
Improvement costs refers to expenditure for new construction, extensions and refurbishment as well as repairs and maintenance. Improvement costs may be counted for the years where they add up to at least 5,000 SEK. In order to count expenses for repairs and maintenance for a private cooperative flat, you must have had them done during the year of sale or one of the previous five years. In addition, they must have left the property in a better condition when sold than when purchased. For new construction, extensions or refurbishment, there is no such time limit.
If you have a tax deferral for profits from a previously sold property and sell the cooperative flat that is the replacement dwelling, you must return your deferred capital for taxation.
You will be taxed for 22/30 of the profits if you have sold a private cooperative flat and 90% of the profits if you have sold a commercial cooperative flat. Tax is charged at 30% of that portion. You are entitled to deduct 50% of the loss if you have sold a private co-operative flat and 63% of the loss if you have instead sold a commercial cooperative flat.
If you have sold a cooperative flat and the contract of sale was signed during 2024, you must declare the sale in the 2025 tax return. The Swedish Tax Agency is normally informed that you have sold the cooperative flat. This will in that case be shown on the income specification that accompanies the tax return.
If it is a private cooperative flat, you should normally declare the sale on form K6 (SKV 2106). If it is a commercial cooperative flat, you should declare the sale on form K8 (SKV 2108). If you have sold a cooperative flat in a commercial residential property, you should declare the sale on form K9 (SKV 2119).