One of the following persons may be an attestor
- Your husband, wife or registered partner
- Your child or grandchild, aged 18 or above
- Your parent/guardian
- Your brother/sister or half-brother/half-sister, aged 18 or above
- Your maternal or paternal grandparent
- Your common law spouse
For you and your attestor to be deemed common law spouses, all of the following conditions must be met:
- you live together permanently or have children together. As a rule, you have lived together for at least six months
- you are in a partner relationship
- you share the household, meaning you share duties and expenses.
One of the following persons may also be an attestor. They must be a person you have a relationship to and know you well. The attestor must provide a decision or certificate showing the relationship you have to each other:
- a custodian or trustee
- a family home parent
- a civil servant working at a municipal or state authority and with whom you have a professional relationship. For example, they could be a social worker, institutional representative or international coordinator at a state university or higher education institution
- your employer of at least one year.