The Swedish Tax Agency is the competent authority that enters into mutual agreements with regard to Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) in accordance with tax treaties between Sweden and other countries. See the Act (2009:1289) on APAs regarding international transactions (“lag (2009:1289) om prissättningsbesked vid internationella transaktioner”). The Swedish Tax Agency is also the competent authority with regard to Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP), and negotiates with other countries with the aim to eliminate double taxation, and other taxation that is contrary to tax treaties.
In many countries, it is possible for an overseas enterprise to apply for a unilateral APA, i.e. an APA that confirms the tax treatment between the country in question and the enterprise. There is no unilateral APA programme in place in Sweden.
An Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) is an agreement made between two (a bilateral agreement) or more (a multilateral agreement) countries on pricing with regard to certain cross-border transactions carried out between members of a multinational enterprise group. As a general rule, an APA is effective for three to five tax years. An APA can only be issued if it is based on a mutual agreement entered into with a treaty partner.
An APA can only be granted if Sweden has a tax treaty with the other country. The tax treaty must also include provisions for the exchange of information between the countries. Competent authorities engage in APA negotiations within the framework of a MAP, in accordance with the applicable tax treaty. The provisions regarding MAPs can be found in Article 25 of the model tax convention published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
The Act on Advance Pricing Agreements regulates the eligibility of enterprises to apply for an APA relating to taxation of income from future cross-border transactions carried out between members of a multinational enterprise group. An APA is generally applicable when establishing the basis for the national income tax. In case of other enterprises than companies (enskilda näringsidkare), an APA is applicable when establishing the basis for municipal income tax.
An applicant for an APA must provide all the information necessary for the pricing of the transaction(s) to be evaluated properly. An APA cannot be issued for transactions of simple or minor nature.
It must be possible to assess the transaction(s) independently from other transactions that are not covered by the application. Anyone who wishes to discuss the prerequisites for an APA, as well as what an application must include, has the option of requesting a preliminary meeting with the competent authority.
An APA is binding for the Swedish Tax Agency in relation to the enterprise to which the agreement applies and to the transactions covered by the agreement as long as the requirements of the agreement are fulfilled. In certain circumstances, an APA can be changed, or cancelled.
Any enterprise that is – or expects to become – liable for tax in Sweden in accordance with the Swedish Income Tax Act (“Inkomstskattelag, 1999:1229”), and is also covered by a tax treaty, can apply for an APA. Both Swedish enterprises and non-Swedish enterprises with a permanent establishment in Sweden can apply for an APA.
Partnerships and other limited-liability legal entities can apply for an APA if a partner is, or expects to become, liable for tax in Sweden and is covered by a tax treaty.
Four physical copies of an application for an APA has to be submitted.
According to the regulation on APAs regarding international transactions (“förordning (2009:1295) om prissättningsbesked vid internationella transaktioner”), the application must include the following information:
It is essential that an application includes all the information and documentation required for the competent authority to evaluate a pricing method or transaction. This documentation could include:
The applicant can request for a preliminary meeting with the competent authority prior to submitting an APA application, e.g. to discuss whether or not it is appropriate to apply for an APA.
When you have completed your application for an APA, please submit it to the Swedish Tax Agency at the following address:
Behörig myndighet MAP/APA
205 30 Malmö
Fees are payable for each country to which the application relates. The following fees apply in Sweden:
The Swedish Tax Agency will send you an invoice for the appropriate amount after you have applied for an APA.
Below is a list of income tax treaties that Sweden has concluded with other countries that are available in the “Legal guidance” section (“Rättslig vägledning”):