This is a guide on how to use our e-service for applying for an income tax return filing deferral on “My Pages” (Mina sidor)
Please note that the service is only available on “My pages” (“Mina sidor”)” after login. This means that you have to be logged in to “My pages”, but there is no separate login or logout for the deferral e-service.
If you have eID, the simplest way to apply for a deferral is on “Mina sidor” (“My pages”). You will also get a response straight away.
The opening hours are seen in the white box next to the yellow log-in button. If the e-services are closed you see the text Stängd (closed) in the white box
If you don’t have eID, you can apply by calling our Tax Information Service:
When you have selected the e-service you want to log in to, a login page will open. In the upper part of the view you can change the language to English by clicking the button ”English”. By choosing ”International” you get more alternatives for eIDs you can use to log in to the e-service. Select the login mode that suits you best by clicking it, and then proceed to identify yourself.