A taxpayer, who claims to be subject to international double taxation, or to any other taxation not in accordance with a tax treaty, can apply to the Swedish Tax Agency for a Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) to be initiated, with the aim to eliminate such a taxation. The Swedish Tax Agency is authorised to act as the competent authority in such cases.
The Swedish Tax Agency is also the competent authority for entering into agreements with other countries, in accordance with tax treaties, on the future pricing of international transactions between associated enterprises, so called Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs). For further information, please see information concerning “Application for an advance pricing agreement regarding international transactions”.
Competent authorities shall endeavour to eliminate double taxation or other taxation not in accordance with a tax treaty, within the framework of a MAP, but they are not obliged to find a solution according to Article 25.2 of the model tax convention published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). However, some tax treaties include specific provisions that confer the right to arbitration if the competent authorities are unable to reach a mutual agreement.
A taxpayer has the option to apply to the Swedish competent authority for a MAP to be initiated, by referring to the EU Arbitration Convention (90/436/EEC), (“Arbitration Convention”) if the double taxation is within the EU and concerns transfer pricing or attribution of profits to a permanent establishment. A MAP based on the Arbitration Convention offers the opportunity for arbitration in certain cases, i.e. it obliges the competent authorities to find a solution to eliminate double taxation.
The taxpayer can also apply to the Swedish competent authority for a MAP to be initiated if the double taxation has occurred within the EU on income earned on or after 1st of January 2018 by referring to Act “lag (2019:601) om tvistlösningsförfarande i ärenden som rör skatteavtal inom Europeiska unionen” that is based on the EU Dispute Resolution Directive (2017/1852), (“the EU Directive”). According to the EU Directive the taxpayer can request the competent authorities to set up an Advisory Commission if (i) a competent authority decides to reject a complaint or (ii) the competent authorities fail to reach a mutual agreement. The Advisory Committee shall in such cases (i) adopt a decision on the acceptance of the complaint and (ii) deliver an opinion on how to resolve the issue in dispute.
Here are some examples of double taxation situations that can be eliminated within the MAP framework:
Below is a brief outline of the procedure that is followed when a taxpayer seeks assistance from the concerned competent authorities to eliminate the double taxation.
The first step to initiate a mutual agreement proceeding is to submit a MAP-request to the competent authority. The competent authority will then assess whether the application appears to be justified and, if so, attempt to resolve the matter unilaterally. If the competent authority is not able to solve the matter unilaterally, then it will engage the other competent authority and endeavour to resolve the matter by a mutual agreement.
The taxpayer is not involved in the MAP negotiations between the competent authorities. However, the taxpayer is invited to submit documentation and comments to the competent authorities and is often requested to provide additional information throughout the proceedings.
The Swedish Tax Agency will make the appropriate adjustments in the Swedish taxation if a mutual agreement results in a decision to reduce tax in Sweden, i.e. there is no need for the taxpayer to submit a new income tax return as a result of the MAP.
A mutual agreement that is reached based on the EU Directive requires that a summary of the final decision is published on the Swedish Tax Agency’s website. The competent authorities may also agree, under the EU Directive procedure, that the taxpayer must pay all the costs that are related to the independent persons at the Advisory Commission if (i) the taxpayer decides to withdraw the MAP-request, or (ii) an Advisory Commission is set-up and the Commission decides that the previous rejection of the MAP-request by the relevant competent authorities was justified.
According to many tax treaties, which are often based on the model tax convention published by the OECD, an application must be made “within three years from the first notification of the action resulting in taxation not in accordance with the provisions of the Convention” (Article 25.1 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital). In the Nordic tax treaty, the time limit is five years.
A three-year limit is also specified in the Arbitration Convention, and in the EU Directive. This means that the start of this three-year time limit period is normally determined by the date of the decision of the Swedish Tax Agency, or the tax agency in the other country, to adjust the taxation of a taxpayer’s income. The time limits must be also considered when a taxpayer decides to appeal the decision made by the tax agency to the court.
Not all tax treaties include a three-year time limitation rule. It is therefore very important to refer to the specific time limitation rules that are stated in the applicable tax treaty.
A MAP-request may be submitted to the competent authority before a formal decision is made by the involved tax agency, for example an upward income adjustment in Sweden.
It is possible to apply for a MAP in Sweden even if:
It should be noted that a submission of a MAP-request that is based on the EU Directive will result in the closure of all other ongoing mutual agreement procedures related to the dispute.
A taxpayer may apply to the competent authority to defer paying the tax in connection with the submission of a MAP-request. The payment respite is intended to mitigate the effects of international double taxation until a mutual agreement has been reached.
For payment respite to be granted in Sweden, the tax due in the other country must already have been paid. A deferral may then be granted for an amount that is equivalent either to the Swedish tax on the disputed income, or to the tax paid in the other country on that income (whichever amount is the lowest). The payment respite applies also to interest charges that has been levied on the tax to which the case relates. In certain situations, respite can only be granted if security is provided for the payment of the tax. Payment respite applies to the tax due and any related tax surcharges (“skattetillägg”).
With regard to India, a special agreement applies that regulates eligibility for tax payment respite while a case is being investigated. The agreement relates primarily to eligibility for payment respite in India. The agreement imposes a requirement for the provision of security in the form of a bank guarantee. Details of the agreement and further information can be found in Appendix 2 to the Act (1997:918) on the double tax treaty between Sweden and India, and in the Swedish government bill 2012/13:89: “Amendment to the tax treaty between Sweden and India and agreement with India on payment respite for taxes” (“Ändring i skatteavtalet mellan Sverige och Indien samt överenskommelse med Indien om anstånd med betalning av skatter”).
If a mutual agreement is reached in a case that has its origin in a Swedish adjustment where tax surcharge has been levied, and the agreement results in a reduction of the Swedish tax due, then the tax surcharge will be reduced in relation to such a reduction.
If a mutual agreement is reached and results in a requirement for the Swedish Tax Agency to refund tax that has already been paid by the taxpayer, then an interest will, in some cases, be calculated on this amount and credited to the taxpayers’ Swedish tax account.
Answers to frequently asked questions:
A MAP-request must be signed by the taxpayer or by a representative with a power of attorney. It is important to ensure that the request fulfils the formal requirements and provides a detailed outline of the circumstances surrounding the case. A request may not be reviewed if it is incomplete or otherwise insufficient to serve as a basis for continued processing.
Assistance requested from the competent authority to initiate a MAP is free of charge.
The following information must be provided in an application, if relevant:
In addition to the above, a MAP-request based on the EU Directive must also include the following:
It is often very useful to submit the MAP-request in English. It is also important that the concerned competent authorities have access to the same information throughout the process.
Please submit the MAP-request to the Swedish Tax Agency by ordinary post, or by email using the following contact details:
Behörig myndighet MAP/APA
205 30 Malmö
Please note that a MAP-request that is based on the EU Directive must be submitted also to the concerned competent authority in the other EU member state. An individual or smaller undertakings need only to submit the request to the Swedish Tax Agency – see article 17 of the EU directive.
Below is a list of income tax treaties that Sweden has concluded with other countries that are available at the “Legal guidance” section (“Rättslig vägledning”):
Additional material relating to legal frameworks and other information: