If you are registered as an employer you must fill in an employer’s contributions and PAYE tax return every month.
Payment must be made with a separate paying-in form.
It is possible to submit the VAT and PAYE return in the form of an electronic tax return. Use this e-service.
E-tjänsten Lämna arbetsgivardeklaration är stängd torsdag 14 november kl. 06.30-10.00 på grund av underhåll.
To use an electronic tax return you have to obtain an electronic identification document.
Furthermore, you have to report that you want to use an electronic tax return by submitting a form to Skatteverket (tax authority). The form is only available in Swedish.
A company or an association must, on the same form, notify who is authorized (name and personal identity number) to fill in and sign the electronic tax return. This authorization must be verified by a confirmed copy of a certificate of registration or a confirmed extract from, for example, a resolution of the board of directors or a resolution of the committee.
Most companies can use the electronic tax return but there are, however, still a few limitations. You cannot use the electronic tax return
Foreign traders registered to VAT in Sweden are now able to download their own VAT return at our website. Only foreign companies with a VAT-number starting with 302-, 502-, 516- and 902- can create a PDF for printing. Although the service is in English and is only available on the English page, the form itself is still in Swedish.
You do not need to log in and the service has no connection to our registers. The company can choose to fill in the fields digitally as a fillable PDF and then print, or print and fill in by hand. You still need to sign it. When you have signed the VAT return, you must send it by post to the Swedish Tax Agency.