Children under 18 years old must be registered at the address where they sleep most nights, in accordance with the same rules that apply to adults. If you are a child’s legal guardian, you can report the child's move on their behalf. The easiest way to do this is to use our “Report a change of address” (“Flyttanmälan”) e-service.
You can only use this e-service to report a move for a child who is registered at the same address as you. If the child is registered at their other legal guardian's address, you can report the child's move using a printed form instead.
You can only use this e-service to report a move for a child who is registered at the same address as you. If the child is registered at their other legal guardian's address, you can report the child's move using a printed form instead.
The rules determining who must give consent in response to a child’s change of address notification vary depending on the circumstances. Choose the option that applies to you and your child.
You can give consent in response to a child's change of address notification using our “Give consent” (“Lämna samtycke”) e-service or by signing a printed form.
Use our “Report a change of address” (“Flyttanmälan”) e-service.
Only one legal guardian needs to sign and submit the change of address notification on behalf of the entire family. A prerequisite for this is that children under 18 are moving with both guardians from the same address to a new shared address.
This is how to report a change of address for the child:
If you are not registered at the same address as the child, you must submit a change of address notification using a printed form. The other legal guardian must also give their consent by signing the form.
Both guardians must give their consent
It takes longer to register a child’s new address if one of their legal guardians has not given their consent. This is because we have to send a consent request by post to the other legal guardian when a case administrator has processed the matter.
This is how to report a change of address for the child:
If you are not registered at the same address as the child, you must submit a change of address notification using a printed form.
Both legal guardians must give their consent
If you submit a change of address notification without one guardian's consent, the Swedish Tax Agency will send a consent request by post to the other guardian once a case administrator has processed the matter. If you cannot agree on where your child should be registered, the Swedish Tax Agency will make an assessment and determine the address, taking into consideration where your child usually lives and attends school or preschool, for example.
We will send you both some questions to respond to before reaching a decision.
To report a change of address:
A child's legal guardians must give consent in response to a change of address notification if a child moves to an address at which neither of their legal guardians is registered. If the child has two legal guardians, both must give their consent.
This rule applies if the child moves to a foster home, for example. In this case, you must provide contact details relating to the foster home in the change of address notification.
Before updating the details registered in the Swedish Population Register, the Swedish Tax Agency will check the reason for the child's move without their legal guardian(s).
Submitting multiple notifications for the same move will delay the address registration process.
Children who are 16 or older can report their own change of address. If a child is over 16 but under 18 years old, either the child or their legal guardian(s) can submit the change of address notification.
A child who moves away due to their studies must remain registered at the same address as their legal guardian(s). This rule applies as long as the child continues to study at a secondary or upper secondary school, or the equivalent, and provided that the education programme started before the child’s 18th birthday.
This rule applies until the child’s 21st birthday.
No, details of each individual who is moving must be included in the change of address notification.
If the child's other legal guardian submits a notification via our “Report a change of address” (“Flyttanmälan”) e-service, you will be given the opportunity to provide your consent via our “Give consent” (“Lämna samtycke”) e-service. You need eID to use this e-service.
Please respond to the consent request as soon as possible. After seven days, it will no longer be possible to respond via the e-service.
If we do not received a response within this time, the Swedish Tax Agency will send a consent request by post once a case administrator has processed the matter.
The Swedish Tax Agency will then reject your change of address notification and start an investigation to determine where your child should be registered. We will ask both of the child's legal guardians where the child sleeps, and where they attend school or preschool.
The child's guardians are first entitled to any information that might influence the Swedish Tax Agency's decision. We will then reach a decision based on this information.
Do not submit a new notification. Either you or the child's other legal guardian should contact the Swedish Tax Agency or your case administrator directly.
No, submitting another notification might delay the process. The Swedish Tax Agency will contact you when we have started processing your case.
To use the change of address e-service, you and your child must both be registered at the same address. If you and your child are not registered at the same address, you must submit a notification for both of you using a printed form.
No. You will only have consented to a change in the child’s population registration details.
When we register a child’s new address, we provide the relevant details to other government agencies including the following, for example:
We also provide major banks, insurance companies and other businesses with the new address details.
You may need to inform private individuals and membership associations and organisations of the child's new address. The same applies to publication subscription services and companies that may require the child's new address details.
Our processing times vary depending on the population registration matter you need help with, and whether any further investigation or additional information is required. We process each case in order of receipt and do not give any cases priority over others.
If you report a move within Sweden or to another country, it will take about 2 weeks for your case to be assigned to an administrator.