Lördag 15 februari kan störningar och avbrott förekomma på Skatteverkets e-tjänster på grund av underhållsarbete.
Businesses with operations in electricity price areas 3 and 4 could apply to the Swedish Tax Agency for electricity support until 25 September 2023. This subsidy was provided to businesses to cover their future costs. However, the amount granted was determined by a business’s electricity consumption during the period 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022.
owever, the Swedish Tax Agency can still pay out support in the following cases:
If the Swedish Tax Agency or a court decides that you are entitled to further support, the allowance will be credited to your company’s tax account. If your business has registered a bank account with the Swedish Tax agency, the money will be paid out to that account automatically. If your business has any tax arrears, or liabilities with either the Swedish state or a municipality, we will deduct the amount in question first. We will pay the remaining amount to the bank account that your business has registered with the Swedish Tax Agency.
In some cases, we cannot pay out a tax account surplus – for example, if the Swedish Tax Agency has determined that a business is liable to pay additional tax and the due date has not yet passed.
If you discover errors in the information you have provided, or if changes take place that could affect either your business’s right to electricity support or the size of its subsidy, you must notify the Swedish Tax Agency as soon as possible.
Please send the correct details and your business’s corporate identity number to the Swedish Tax Agency via email. If you are a sole trader, your business’s corporate identity number is the same as your personal identity number.
Alternatively, you are welcome to send a letter to us at the following address:
205 30 Malmö
More information on electricity support is available in Swedish in the legal guidance section.
Under “My pages” (“Mina sidor”), you can check the details you have provided in your application.
If your business carries out security-sensitive activities and has applied for electricity support, but now needs to notify the Swedish Tax Agency of changes, please contact our tax information service for guidance.
Electricity support does not normally need to be repaid since it is a subsidy rather than a loan. However, the Swedish Tax Agency can reach the decision that a business must repay all or part of its subsidy if it becomes apparent that the business is not entitled to electricity support.
Temporary payment respite can be granted in the following circumstances:
More information in Swedish is available in our legal guidance section:
There is no specific application form for temporary payment respite. Please apply to us in writing by sending us an e-mail or letter (contact details below) including the following details:
If you make an application for temporary payment respite in the public interest, you must also include the following details:
Our adress:
205 30 Malmö
If you would like to register a representative for electricity support for businesses, you can do so via our e-service “Representatives and authorisation” (“Ombud och behörigheter”). Your business’s representative can check their authorisation by logging into “My pages” (“Mina sidor”).
If your business has received electricity support, you must normally enter this in the business’s income tax return as income in the form of a business subsidy. If your business activities are only partially taxable, you should enter the share of your business’s subsidy that corresponds to its taxable activities.
If the business carries out activities that are tax exempt, you should not declare its electricity support subsidy.
You should report electricity support in box 42 of your business’s VAT return.
If you own a farm property and have an electricity outlet point for both household and agricultural use, you should only declare the share of the electricity support related to agriculture as income from business activities.
A tenant-owner association (private-sector housing business) that has been granted electricity support can choose to make a payment to its members, corresponding to the subsidy amount the business has received on the basis of electricity that members have bought from the association.
The tax regulations regarding such payments are as follows:
Further information about how and when to declare electricity support in your income tax return is available in Swedish in our legal guidance section.
Further information about declaring electricity support is available on the Swedish Accounting Standards Board’s website
There are various types of electricity support. The Swedish Tax Agency is only responsible for electricity support for businesses and organisations.
The Swedish Energy Agency (“Energimyndigheten”) manages the electricity support scheme for electricity-intensive businesses.
Electricity support for electricity-intensive businesses must be declared as business income in the form of a taxable business subsidy. More information on business subsidies is available (in Swedish) in our legal guidance section.
When filling in your VAT return, you enter the amount of electricity support for electricity-intensive businesses received in box 42.
Further information about declaring electricity support is available on the Swedish Accounting Standards Board’s website.
The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (“Försäkringskassan”) pays out electricity support for consumers. Please note that, in certain cases, this subsidy includes support for sole traders.
If you have received electricity support for private individuals, and part of it is intended for your business, the amount in question is considered a taxable business subsidy. Further information about business subsidies for sole traders is available in Swedish on the webpage below:
When filling in your VAT return, you enter the amount of electricity support for private individuals that has been allocated to your business in box 42.
Further information about declaring electricity support is available on the Swedish Accounting Standards Board’s website.