If you are due to receive a refund from your tax account, the money will be deposited into the bank account you have provided us. If you have not, you need to register a receiving bank account and request payment. This page contains information about how to do this.
If you have a bank account in a Swedish bank that you wish to register, do so via the bank giro website.
If you have an eID you can register a bank account in any of the following ways (the e-services are in Swedish):
Payments to accounts based outside of Sweden can only be made on request. In such cases, you must send the following documents/information to the Tax Agency:
Please note that all documents must be original. E-mail or fax is not accepted.
Send the letter together with attached documents to the following address:
SE-205 30 Malmö
A registered foreign bank account number will apply until you notify us of any change. If you want to change your account number to another foreign bank account number, proceed in the same way as the first time. If you no longer wish to have a foreign bank account number registered, notify the Swedish Tax Agency of this in writing.
If a receiving account has not been registered payment can be made, after a written request, by cheque. The cheque is sent to the address currently registered at the Swedish Tax Agency. The maximum amount per refund cheque is SEK 400 000.
In some cases, we cannot pay out a tax account surplus. This applies in the following circumstances, for example:
Any amount below SEK 100 will not be paid out; it will remain in your tax account.
If you don’t want the surplus amount in your tax account to be paid out to you, you can request a payout block. The surplus amount in question will then remain in your tax account, and be used for the payment of taxes and contributions in the future.
The simplest way to request a payout block is by using our tax account e-service (Skattekonto).
If you cannot use the e-service, you can request a payout block by filling in and submitting form SKV 4813 (Begäran – Utbetalningsspärr). Alternatively, you can contact a Swedish state service centre. If you have Swedish eID, you can request a payout block by calling our tax information service on 0771 567 567 (or +46 8 564 851 60 from outside Sweden).
Further information about automatic payouts is available in Swedish on our webpage Utbetalning från skattekontot – för dig som är företagare (Payouts from tax accounts – for business owners).
Payouts from tax accounts - for business owners (in Swedish)