Lördag 15 februari kan störningar och avbrott förekomma på Skatteverkets e-tjänster på grund av underhållsarbete.
Skatteverket cannot accept check payments. All payments must be made via deposit into the account of the Swedish Tax Agency as stated below.
In order for Skatteverket to credit your payment, you must cite your personal identification number, your organisation registration number, special registration number or your OCR-number.
When paying from a foreign bank account, you must use the following codes and accounts below. Please note that you need to specify IBAN and BIC at payment.
IBAN: SE56 8000 0890 1196 4624 0516
Bank: Swedbank AB, SE-105 34 Stockholm
Payee: Skatteverket, SE-831 87 Östersund