Excise duty must be paid on certain nicotine goods. These include e-liquids and goods classified as “other nicotine goods”. Here you can find out about paying excise duty as a business, and who has to pay it.
You must pay excise duty on e-liquids and other nicotine goods. E-liquids are fluids containing nicotine that are used in e-cigarettes, for example. Other nicotine goods are products containing nicotine that are intended for oral or nasal use and do not contain tobacco. Examples of other nicotine goods include tobacco-free moist snuff (“snus”), nicotine chewing gum and nicotine nasal spray.
A higher excise duty rate applies to highly concentrated e-liquids. A highly concentrated e-liquid is an e-liquid with a nicotine content of at least 15 mg per millilitre, and not exceeding 20 mg per millilitre. Here you can find out more about excise duty rates:
Excise-duty-liable goods | Excise duty rate | Example |
E-liquids | SEK 2,020 per litre | The excise duty paid on 75 litres of e-liquid is SEK 151,500 (75 × 2,020) |
Highly concentrated e-liquids | SEK 4,040 per litre | The excise duty paid on 25 litres of e-liquid is SEK 101,000 (25 × 4,040) |
Other nicotine goods | SEK 202 per kg | The excise duty paid on 23kg of other nicotine goods is SEK 4,646 (23 × 202) |
Excise-duty-liable goods | Excise duty rate | Example |
E-liquids | SEK 2,000 per litre | The excise duty paid on 75 litres of e-liquid is SEK 150,000 (75 × 2,000) |
Highly concentrated e-liquids | SEK 4,000 per litre | The excise duty paid on 25 litres of e-liquid is SEK 100,000 (25 × 4,000) |
Other nicotine goods | SEK 200 per kg | The excise duty paid on 23kg of other nicotine goods is SEK 4,600 (23 × 200) |
You are not liable to pay excise duty on the goods listed in the table above if:
You might need to declare and pay excise duty on goods listed in the table above if you:
The rules on declaring and paying excise duty on nicotine goods vary depending on whether you are an approved stockist, a distance seller, or neither of these options.
In certain cases, you can apply to the Swedish Tax Agency to become an approved stockist. If your application is successful, you will be authorised to handle nicotine goods under suspension of duty.
You are considered to be a distance seller if you sell goods to private individuals in Sweden and transport these goods directly to your customer from another country within the EU excise duty area. You need to register with the Swedish Tax Agency so that you can declare and pay excise duty on nicotine goods. You also need a Swedish corporate identity number.
Find out more about declaring and paying excise duty on nicotine goods as a distance seller, and how to register with the Swedish Tax Agency and applying for a corporate identity number:
The type of business activities you carry out determine when you have to declare and pay excise duty on nicotine goods. Find out more below about the rules that apply to you.
If you introduce nicotine goods to Sweden from another country within the EU excise duty area, or take receipt in Sweden of nicotine goods from another EU country, you must declare and pay excise duty on these goods every time they cross the Swedish border.
You must keep documentation showing that the information in your excise duty return is correct. Save this documentation for at least seven years after the calendar year to which the documentation applies.
If you manufacture nicotine goods professionally, you must declare and pay excise duty on them every time you manufacture these goods.
You must keep documentation showing that the information in your excise duty return is correct. Save this documentation for at least seven years after the calendar year to which the documentation applies.
If your business activities have included buying duty-exempt nicotine goods that you use for a purpose to which the exemption does not apply, you must declare and pay excise duty every time you use these nicotine goods.
Airlines, shipping companies and transportation vessels may be granted a supply permit (“provianteringstillstånd”) by the Swedish Customs Service. If you have been granted this kind of permit for your business activities, you are entitled to take receipt of nicotine goods on a duty-exempt basis from approved stockists in Sweden. However, you must pay excise duty on nicotine goods if you use them in some other way than to carry out your business activities through:
You must keep documentation showing that the information in your excise duty return is correct. Save this documentation for at least seven years after the calendar year to which the documentation applies.
If you import nicotine goods from a country outside the EU excise duty area, and these goods are not owned by an approved stockist, you must pay the excise duty to the Swedish Customs Service. For further information, please contact the Swedish Customs Service.
You might need to pay a tax surcharge if:
Find out about when the Swedish Tax Agency levies tax surcharges, and the circumstances in which exemptions can be granted.
If you have any questions about excise duty, feel free to contact us.
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