This is a user guide on how to use our e-service Excise duty - return.
Use our e-service Excise duty - return (in Swedish: Punktskatt - deklaration).
The opening hours for the e-service are seen in the white box next to the yellow log-in button. If the the e-service is closed you see the text "Stängd" in the white box.
When you have selected the e-service you want to log in to, a login page will open. In the upper part of the view you can change the language to English by clicking the button ”English”. By choosing ”International” you get more alternatives for eIDs you can use to log in to the e-service. Select the login mode that suits you best by clicking it, and then proceed to identify yourself.
Once you have logged in, you select whether you are representing yourself or another party that you are authorised to represent. Only companies that you are authorised to represent will be shown in the list, but please note that authorisation requirements differ between e-services.
The first view when you enter the e-service displays several parts.
Here you will see upcoming excise duty returns to file. You can also view and make changes to previously filed returns.
Here you can see current returns that are due to be filed.
You can also opt to move ahead and view receipts for previously filed returns, or make changes to previously filed returns.
How to file a return:
If you file your return or pay your excise duty after the deadline, you may be liable for a penalty charge and interest.
If you want to add an explanation or additional documentation to the information in the return, please send us an email.
The returns you are due to file will be shown in this list. The names and dates shown are specified in the section “Våra skatteslag och aktörer”. If it says “Försenad”, the normal deadline has passed. If you have many returns to file, there may be several pages to click between. Use the buttons below the list to show additional returns.
On this page you can create a special excise duty return, if you need to submit one. Find out more in the section below with the same name.
View and make changes to previous periods
When you click this button, you will be taken to a new page showing returns you have already submitted to the Swedish Tax Agency. Only returns submitted after this e-service was introduced are shown. Information about the excise duty determined for a specific period is also available.
Error: Du behöver ändra vem du företräder (You need to specify a different party to represent).
This error occurs when you try to represent a party that you do not have the correct authorisation to represent.
Check that you have selected the right person or business to represent.
If you need help, call our tax information service on 0771 567 567.
The view under Gambling tax displays several parts.
The date in the heading is the period that the return refers to. This can be either one month or one year, depending on the reporting period that applies to you or the party you represent.
You report gambling tax here if you have a licence for games requiring a licence. You don’t have to pay gambling tax if you only have a licence for games for public benefit purposes.
You pay gambling tax on the profits from each taxation period, and must include only stakes and payouts relating to Swedish participation in gambling. “Swedish participation” means all gambling occurring in a physical location within Swedish territory. Such locations might typically be casinos, arcades with token gaming machines, and gambling venues on board Swedish and foreign vessels in international traffic but travelling within Sweden’s exclusive economic zone. In other words, as long as gambling is taking place in a physical space within the country’s borders, it does not matter whether the gambler lives in Sweden or is here temporarily.
For taxation of online gambling, the gambler or gamer must live in Sweden or stay here permanently, regardless of where they are when gambling. A permanent stay means an uninterrupted stay of at least six months.
A stake is the total value that the gambler or someone else pays in order for the gambler to be able to participate in a game requiring a licence. It does not matter what this payment is called – it might, for example, include other fees charged for participation in a game. The same applies if a player receives a discount and therefore does not have to pay the entire stake.
A payout is the amount that a gambling business or its representative pays to gamblers by making a deposit in their gambling accounts or similar – either in cash or in other assets. Payouts also include repayments of bets in the event of cancelled games, and bonus payments into gambling accounts. They do not include payments made to other parties than the gambler, such as commissions to rights holders and partners.
More information about gambling tax is available here:
If you have no excise duty to report, you can select that option. You still have to review and submit the return.
Once you are finished, select “Next” to review and submit the return.
If you want to add an explanation or additional documentation to the information in the return, please send us an email.
Ja (yes) – Select this option to report information for the period.
Nej (No) – Select this option if you have no information to report for the period.
Here you state the sum of all taxable stakes placed during the period. The amount must be rounded to whole Swedish kronor.
Here you state the sum of all payouts made during the period. The amount must be rounded to whole Swedish kronor.
The service will calculate the difference between the two text fields above. The amount is shown in whole Swedish kronor.
The service will calculate the excise duty you have to pay, based on the current excise duty rate and the amount in the field Periodens behållning i kronor. The amount is shown in whole Swedish kronor.
Once you have filled in all the information, you click this button in order to proceed to the next step, where you review the information you want to submit.
If you want to delete all the information you have filled in, click this button. You will then be asked to confirm whether you really want to delete all the information.
Click this button if you want to cancel the submission. If you have filled in any information, you will be asked to confirm whether you really want to start again.
The view under Excise duty on chemicals in certain electronic goods displays several parts.
The “operator” in the heading is the type of operator the return is for, and which you or the party you represent are registered as.
The date in the heading is the period that the return refers to. This can be either one month or one year, depending on the applicable reporting period for you or the party you represent.
Here you report the goods for which excise duty liability has come into effect during the period.
More information about excise duty on chemicals in certain electronic goods is available on the webbpage about excise duty on chemicals in certain electronic goods. There you can find information about goods subject to excise duty, how excise duty is calculated, current rates and maximum amounts per good and about deductions.
Note that net weight is specified without packaging, in kilogrammes (kg) to three decimal places and that deductions are reported rounded to the nearest whole Swedish krona.
If you have no excise duty to report, you can select that option. You still have to review and submit the return.
Once you are finished, select “Next” to review and submit the return.
If you want to add an explanation or additional documentation to the information in the return, do so in an email to the Swedish Tax Agency.
Ja (yes) – Select this option to report information for the period.
Nej (No) – Select this option when you have no information to report for the period.
Here you tick which categories you are going to file a return for. The categories are as follows:
Vitvaror (White goods)
Övriga elektronikvaror (Other electronic goods)
For each selection you make, the fields below will be created for that category:
Here you have to state the total weight for the period of goods for which excise duty is less than the maximum amount. The weight must be specified in kg and up to three decimal places – e.g. 25.352 kg.
The service will calculate the gross excise duty based on the weight you specify. The amount is rounded to the nearest whole Swedish krona.
Here you have to state the number of goods for which the excise duty reaches or exceeds the maximum amount.
The service will calculate the gross excise duty based on the number of goods you state. The amount is rounded to the nearest whole Swedish krona.
The service will calculate the total gross excise duty before any deductions. The amount is rounded to the whole Swedish krona.
Click here if you have any deductions to make. The heading will show the sum of all the deductions you filled in.
Here you state the sum of your requested deductions for goods that fulfil the requirements for a 50% deduction.
Here you state the sum of your requested deductions for goods that fulfil the requirements for a 95% deduction.
The service will calculate the total net excise duty in SEK after you have specified any deductions.
The service will calculate the total excise duty you have to pay based on the current rates and the amounts in the fields ”Nettoskatt i kronor”. The total sum is rounded to the nearest whole Swedish krona.
Once you have filled in all the information, you click this button in order to proceed to the next step, where you review the information you want to submit.
If you want to delete all the information you have filled in, click this button. You will then be asked whether you really want to delete all the information.
Use this button if you want to cancel the submission. If you have filled in any information you will be asked whether you really want to start again.
The view under Excise duty on air travel displays several parts.
The deadline for submitting the declaration to the Swedish Tax Agency is specified here.
The accounting period to which the declaration refers is specified here.
You are to pay tax on air travel if you are an air carrier providing flights from Swedish airports on aircraft approved for more than ten passengers. An air carrier is a private individual or legal entity with a valid operating licence or similar permit to offer commercial air service. The organisation that is responsible for the government airlines is also regarded as an air carrier. The tax on air travel is on both domestic and international flights.
You pay the tax per passenger. The tax rate is based on the final destination.
You do not pay tax on air travel for the following categories of passengers:
File a return even if you don’t owe any tax for the period.
Once you are finished, select “Next” to review and submit the return.
If you want to add an explanation or additional documentation to the information in the return, do so in an email to the Swedish Tax Agency.
Ja (yes) – Select this option to report information for the period
Nej (No) – Select this option when you have no information to report for the period
Travel to a final destination in a country as specified in Annexe 1 of “Lag (2017:1200) om skatt på flygresor” (“the Air Travel Taxation Act”)
State here the total number of passengers who travelled as specified in Annexe 1 during the period.
The service will calculate the excise duty based on the number of passengers you specified for travel in accordance with Anneex 1.
State here the total number of passengers who travelled as specified in Annexe 2 during the period.
The service will calculate the excise duty based on the number of passengers you specified for travel in accordance with Annexe 2.
State here the total number of passengers who travelled to another final destination during the period.
The service will calculate the excise duty based on the number of passengers you specified as having another final destination.
The service will calculate the total excise duty you have to pay based on the amounts in the fields “Skatt i kronor”. The total sum is rounded to the nearest whole Swedish krona.
Once you have filled in all the information, you click this button in order to proceed to the next step, where you review the information you want to submit.
If you want to delete all the information you have filled in, click this button. You will then be asked whether you really want to delete all the information.
Use this button if you want to cancel the submission. If you have filled in any information, you will then be asked whether you really want to start again.
In this step you have to review the information provided in earlier steps to ensure it is correct. The information you provided is in the section “Excise duty categories and operators”.
You will be shown the information you will be submitting to the Swedish Tax Agency. You can still alter it by clicking the pencil icon at the top of the page, or the button “Ändra uppgifter” (change information) at the bottom of the page.
Your name is shown here.
Your company name or the name of the company you are representing, i.e. the business that the return concerns.
The period that the return covers.
The personal or corporate identity number of the operator that the return concerns.
Once you have checked that the information you want to submit is included in the summary, click the box to tick it.
You must have reviewed the information and ticked the box above, otherwise this button will not let you proceed to the next step.
Click here if you need to make any changes to the information before you submit it.
Follow the instructions for your eID app to sign the information. You are signing for the information that was shown in the “Review” step.
Once you have signed, a receipt will be shown. The information shown on it is that which you provided in the earlier steps and reviewed in the “Review” step. The receipt shows the information that has been submitted to the Swedish Tax Agency.
Use this button to save the receipt.
Click this button if you want to print out your receipt.
This button takes you back to the e-service’s start page.
On this page you can create a special excise duty return. You have to fill in all the fields in order to be able to create a special excise duty return.
Once all the fields have been filled in, you can click the button “Till deklarationen” to be taken to the excise duty return form. The return will contain the information described in the section “Excise duty categories and operators”.
Here you can create and submit a special excise duty return.
If you are reporting excise duty for an event or situation, you first have to create a return.
The special excise duty return will be created, after which you submit it in three steps:
If you file your return late, or if you pay late, you may be liable for a penalty charge and interest.
If you want to add an explanation or additional documentation to the information in the return, do so in an email to the Swedish Tax Agency.
Here you select which excise duty you are going to submit a special excise duty return for. All categories of excise duty will not be included in the list.
Contents of the list:
Here you select why you have to submit a special excise duty return.
Contents of the list for the selection Skatt på kemikalier i viss elektronik – Excise duty on chemicals in certain electronic goods:
State the date of the return. The date can be selected from the dropdown calendar or be typed YYYY-MM-DD.
If you have previously submitted returns using this e-service, you can view those returns here.
Click the return you want to see more information about. You will be able to see receipts sent and excise duty determined for the period.
If you need to change information previously submitted, you can submit new information in its place.
There are two lists. One is a list of excise duty returns and the other a list of special excise duty returns.
The excise duty category that the return is for. To see what duties and operators there are, see the section “Excise duty categories and operators”.
This column shows the period that the return is for. This can be a month, a quarter or a year.
The excise duty category that the return is for.
This column shows the date that the return is for.
A unique serial number, as there may be several special excise duty returns for the same date.
Once you have selected which period you want to see more information about, a page is shown which has three sections.
If an orange information box with the heading Ni har blivit skönsbeskattade is shown, the return for that period has not been received by the Swedish Tax Agency – click the button “Lämna in deklarationen” to be taken to the return form. See directions for how to submit the return in the section “Excise duty categories and operators”.
If the Swedish Tax Agency has not yet made a decision regarding the period, you will see the text Det finns inget beslut att visa för den här perioden ännu.
This section shows information about the excise duty determined by the Swedish Tax Agency for the period.
The information on the left is as follows:
Your company name or the name of the company you are representing is shown here.
The personal or corporate identity number of operator that the decision concerns is shown here.
The date shown is that of the Swedish Tax Agency’s most recent decision. The information shown is from that decision.
There are several different possibilities for status:
The information presented on the right will depend on the excise duty category that the return is for.
See more information in the section “Excise duty categories and operators”.
Not all decisions will include the information below.
If the Swedish Tax Agency has determined that a surcharge is to be levied, a sum will be shown here.
If the Swedish Tax Agency has determined that a penalty charge is to be levied, a sum will be shown here.
The total amount for the period, which has been or will be deducted from your tax account, is shown here.
Receipts for the information submitted via the e-service are shown here. From the dropdown menu you can select the receipt you want to see, if you have submitted information on several occasions for this period.
An explanation of the contents of the receipt is available in the section “Excise duty categories and operators”.
This button allows you to submit new information on the return form. You can see which information can be submitted in the section “Excise duty categories and operators”.
The information you submit may lead to a review. When you have signed and submitted the information, it will be sent to the Swedish Tax Agency and you will see a receipt.
The information shown on the form is the most recent information submitted via this e-service.